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Holiday Dinners and Treats

It can be tempting at any dinner to give your pets a tasty scrap as a treat, and holiday meals are no different. However, many popular foods are hazardous to both cats and dogs, and your pets' access to these foods should be heavily restricted.

Bones and corn cobs can cause intestinal blockages that may require surgery to remove. Sweets and fatty foods such as desserts, cheeses, and gravy should also be avoided to decrease the risk of pancreatitis. It’s best to stick to giving them a pet appropriate treat so they can chow down with the family.


Pet-Friendly Decorations

Lots of folks like to fill their homes with beautiful seasonal flowers, or give them as thoughtful gifts. While these flowers are lovely to look at, many species of decorative plants can be poisonous to animals.

Poinsettias and lilies are two common culprits that can cause serious illness or be potentially fatal to your pets. Keep these and any other unsafe plants out of your pets' reach.

Holiday Visitors

Visiting with family is one of the highlights of the season, and some pets are more receptive to unfamiliar houseguests than others. While traveling or hosting, you’ll want to make sure your pet can be contained to their own space in order to reduce their stress and risk of escape. Set ground rules with guests on how to interact with your pets.

This is a perfect time to make sure your pets have collars with up-to-date contact information and are microchipped and registered to your current residence. In case of escape, they have the best chances of being reunited safe and sound when they can be properly identified.

The holiday season can be as busy as it is fun, and with a few precautions in place, you can keep your pets safe and merry!